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.Develop the power of endurance.Bear insult, injury with a cool mind.Then onlyyou can be happy in this world.There are as many spiritual Sadhanas as there are individual minds.What suits one mindmay not suit another.Raja Yoga will be easy for one mind, while Jnana Yoga will be easy foranother.One form of Tapas may suit one mind.A different kind of Tapas will suit another.DAILY SPIRITUAL ROUTINEHere is a daily spiritual routine for whole-time aspirants.Those who work in offices andbusiness-houses can adjust and make necessary alterations according to their convenience and timeat their disposal.Japa and Meditation Morning & 4 hoursNight & 4 hrsSvadhyaya (study) & 3 hrsInterview (if need be) & 1 hrAsana and Pranayama Morning & 1 hrNight & 1 hrWalking & 1 hrSleep & 5 hrsService & 1 hrsBath, etc.& 1 hrFood & 1 hrRest & hr24 hrsA SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SCHEDULEIt is difficult in the beginning to fix the mind on God all the twenty-four hours.As soon asmeditation is over, the mind will begin to wander, will try its level best to have its old habits.Whatare you going to do to check its habits? You must give another Sattvic object for its grasp.It wantsvariety.Now, study philosophical books for some hours.As soon as study is over, take down noteson what you have studied.You can devote some time in this direction.This will serve to relax themind.This will form a mental recreation.You can spend some time in serving poor, sick persons,according to your capacity.I give below a time-table for your daily routine:Meditation & 8 hoursStudy & 4 hrsWriting & 2 hrsService & 2 hrsFood, bath, exercise & 2 hrs196 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLSleep & 6 hrs24 hrsThe most impious of men can, by earnestly devoting himself to God, reach the highest Bliss. Even if the most sinful worship Me, with undivided heart, he too must be accounted righteous, forhe hath rightly resolved (Gita, IX-30). Pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati Know thou forcertain that My devotee perisheth not (Gita, IX-31).What reason, then, is there for despair?Therefore, be up and doing.God will surely crown your efforts with success.Even the vilest of usshall obtain Moksha.Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyatePurnasya purnam-adaya purnam-eva-vasishyateOm Santih Santih SantihOM THAT IS FULL.THIS IS FULL.FROM THAT FULL, THIS FULL EMANATES,TAKING AWAY THIS FULL FROM THAT FULL, THE FULL STILL REMAINS BEHIND.OM PEACE, PEACE, PEACE.Hari Om Tat SatAPPENDIX ITO THE MINDTHY LIFE-HISTORYO Mind; O Maya s child!You always want a formTo lean upon;You have two formsSuddha Manas, pure mind,Asuddha Manas, impure mind.Time, space and causationAre thy categories.You work throughThe law of association;You think, feel and know.You are Atma-Sakti.You are Manomaya Kosha.You are like a mirror;Brahman is reflected on you.You are compared to a tree:197 TO THE MINDEgo is the seed of this tree,Sankalpas are the branches,Buddhi is the first sprout.You have another three formsThe conscious mind,The subconscious mind,And the superconscious mind.You are made up ofThe subtlest form of food.You are a bundle of habits,Samskaras and Vasanas.You are fourfold:Manas does Sankalpa-Vikalpa,Buddhi determines,Chitta executes,Ahankara self-arrogates.Chitta comes under mind,Buddhi comes under Ahankara.It is all Vritti-Bheda.THY BIRTHThy father, Supreme Brahman,Felt loneliness once.He was alone,One without a second.He wanted to multiply;He thought, May I become many.There was a vibration or SpandanIn thy mother, Maya,The undifferentiated,The unmanifested;The equilibrium was disturbed.You were born at once.Thy body was made of pure Sattva;You were known by the name  Manas.The Lord ordained you to do four functions;So you became fourfoldManas, Chitta, Buddhi, Ahankara.You separated yourself from the LordThrough self-arrogating  I.You indulged in sensual objectsIn company with the senses198 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLAnd forgot thy divine origin.You became attached to sons, wife,Property, names, titles and honours;You became quite worldly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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